Interlock Requirements
Colorado Law will require the installation and use of ignition interlock systems for most people convicted of DUI. An ignition interlock is a device which requires the vehicle's driver to provide breath samples when the vehicle is started, and then, at random intervals while driving. The interlock will prevent the vehicle from starting if it detects alcohol in excess of a setpoint value or will work the vehicle's horn and lights to alert police if the setpoint is passed will the car is running. Persons subject to the interlock are issued a "restricted license," i.e., a license that reflects that they may only drive vehicles with an interlock installed. During the period of the restricted driving, the Colorado DMV will monitor reports from the interlock provider to determine whether the restricted driver has been "locked out" or whether circumvention has been attempted. Where three lockouts occur within any of twelve consecutive month, DMV may extend the interlock requirement. Where circumvention occurs the interlock restricted driver will have his or her license revoked and may be subject to criminal prosecution.
Effective January 1, 2014,interlocks laws have significantly changed the previous law involving alcohol violations, Persistent Drunk Drivers (PDD) and the Ignition Interlock program. Those changes include:
Colorado has contracted with the following Ignition Interlock providers: Many offer free installation.
A LifeSafer of CO
Smart Start, Inc.
If you have been arrested for a DUI, you may be confused about what will happen to your driving privileges and what will happen with court. It is important to understand that these are two separate and distinct parts of the process in the aftermath of a DUI arrest. Each part has its own timeline and requirements.
To aid in understanding, No DUI Colorado has put together a website and video to help explain the process.
After a DUI arrest, you have a limited amount of time to request a hearing with the Department or Revenue hearings division (this varies based on whether you chose a blood test or a breath test. If you do not request a hearing within the allotted time, your driving privilege will be revoked. How long it is revoked depends on whether or not you have had a previous DUI and what your alcohol content was for this arrest. Participation in the Interlock program, SR-22 insurance, treatment programs, and reinstatement fees may all be part of the process to regain your driving privilege.
This flowchart will show you a more detailed view of the administrative process.
The court process is separate from the administrative process and has a different timeline. Findings in one process have no effect on the other. In addition to what is required to reinstate your driving privilege, fines, jail time, treatment programs, restitution, or probation may be imposed by the court if you are found guilty of DUI.
A Colorado driver whose license has been suspended, revoked, cancelled or denied must go through a process of reinstatement to have their driving privilege restored. This process can only be initiated after the conditions of the revocation, suspension, cancellation, or denial have been satisfied.
Skip the Trip and take care of your reinstatement online!
Click the link below to start the process or renewing your license online. Also check out our video on the steps to gain your license back after getting a DUI.
The purpose of the Victim Impact Panel (VIP) program is to help drunk and drugged driving offenders to recognize and internalize the lasting and long-term effects of substance-impaired driving. The classes seek to create an empathy and understanding of the tragedy, leave a permanent impression that leads to changes in thinking and behavior and prevents future offenses.
At a VIP, victims, survivors and others impacted by substance-impaired driving crashes speak briefly about the crash in which they were injured and/or a loved one was killed or injured. They share a first-person account of how the crash impacts their lives.
They do not blame or judge. They simply tell their stories, describing how their lives and the lives of their families and friends were affected by the crash.
Victim Impact Panels are often required for a DUI/DWAI charge. You can sign up prior to court or after sentencing. Every attendee must show some form of picture identification at the panel. If you pre-pay, you should bring you registration confirmation. You may print or be able to show on your phone or other device.
In the video, Amy deHeld walks you through the steps to gaining your drivers license back after it has been suspended, revoked, denied or cancelled.
With COVID-19, some of these steps have changed. It is required to schedule your written test through the DMV and your driving test must be done through a third party. You then must have an appointment to get your drivers license ID.
The No DUI Website was developed and created by the Persistent Drunk Driver (PDD) Committee as an educational resource for the Colorado community regarding impaired driving and substance abuse behaviors. The PDD Committee was formed as part of the Persistent Drunk Driver Act of 1998. Several state agencies make up the committee, including the Colorado Department of Human Services, State Judicial Branch, Department of Transportation and Department of Revenue. The PDD Committee is charged with developing and implementing programs that are intended to deter persistent drunk driving, as well as educate the public.
Check out this website as it has helpful information on understanding DUI consequences and steps you will need to take.